Career Ready forth valley mentorship programme

Yesterday afternoon I was at the Forth Valley Career Ready launch at the Stirling Court Hotel. What a fun, interactive event and I got to meet my lovely mentee from Grangemouth High School too.

I’m really looking forward to this 2 year programme. I have so many ideas ticking away already!

Thanks to Mhairi Prendergast (Regional Manager of Fife & Forth Valley at Career Ready) for inspiring me at the Forth Valley Chamber of Commerce meet up in June! I knew immediately I wanted to do this! The students who talked about their Career Ready experiences were so happy to have been involved in the programme. It was great to see that positive influences and support can completely change a young person’s life for the better.

I’m now committed to helping my mentee prepare for the world of work. Let the adventures begin!

#letsgoforthvalley #careerreadyuk #confidence